I recently read an article asking the question, “Should Companies Play Offense or Defense in a Downturn?” The article referenced the 1980-82 crisis, the 1990-91 slowdown, the 2000-02 dotcom bust, the 2007-2009 recession, and finally, they are calling 2020 a recession year. The research found a correlation between increased investments and improved company performance during these periods. Those companies that chose to play offense showed improvement in return on equity, sales growth, and market share. Companies that decreased investment showed deterioration on all three counts. I felt the article perfectly illustrated our strategy during these periods. We recently closed the […]
We have recently gone through a rebranding effort that included new and updated logos, websites, email signatures, and marketing materials. I decided to pick up where I left off in my last article titled “It Takes A Village An Industry,” to update you as to how we are moving through this new COVID world. The article was about how we weathered adversity and struggles to reach our 110-year anniversary. A CNBC.com segment reported, “…technology is killing off corporations,” and stated that the trend is accelerating. I feel that we are an exception to this finding because of our ability to […]