In 1968, the Big Mac was introduced to the world, Apollo 8 orbited the moon, and the first 911 call was made. 911 is something we are all familiar with. It is a brilliantly designed system that provides citizens that see or experience emergencies with a quick and easy means to call professionals that have been trained to handle such emergencies. In 2018, 1.3 million calls were made to fire departments across our nation for fires alone. The average national response time for fire departments is approximately 10 minutes. Even with a finely tuned system like 911, there is still ample opportunity for a fire to grow during the 10 minutes that it may take for a fire department to arrive on the scene.
This is one area where the staff at Denny’s Fire Control can make a huge impact. In addition to our standard fire extinguisher inspection and maintenance programs, we also provide state of the art training on how and when to safely use fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers can put out fires right when they are discovered instead of giving the fire 10 minutes or more to grow, damage property, and even endanger lives.
Denny’s Fire Control is staffed with active and retired professional firefighters. Our staff’s background and experience allow us to train our customers with valuable insights from our own professional firefighting careers.
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the 1.3 million fire calls made in 2018 combined for a total of 15.5 trillion dollars in property loss in 2019. Interestingly, statistics indicate that only 98,000 of the 1.3 million total fires occurred in non-residential/commercial structures, which comprises the vast majority of the Denny’s Fire Control clientele. The average loss caused by these 98,000 commercial structure fires was 34 thousand dollars.
Fortunately, this is only the dark side of the story!
On the bright side, statistics show that an additional 147,000 commercial fires took place, but they were handled on-site by personnel with fire extinguishers. The fire department was not even notified in most cases, and the total loss remained relatively small. This points towards an estimated savings of nearly five billion dollars in annual property loss for commercial buildings! (147,000 x $34,000 = $4.998 billion)
Fire extinguishers can be very effective at protecting lives and limiting property loss. When the staff occupying a facility are trained on how to effectively use fire extinguishers, the potential for saving lives and property increases.
Fire extinguishers are a tremendous investment for the protection of your personnel and property, but training personnel on how to use the devices is often overlooked.
In addition to providing fire extinguisher inspection and maintenance services, the professionally trained staff at Denny’s Fire Control is ready to meet any of your extinguisher training needs right on site at your facility.